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Scissor Lifts

Vehicle Lifts

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Whitepaper Vehicle Lift Information Packs
Time Savings Calculator

Journey Time Calculator

Travel Height (m) :

Safetech Hoist Speed (m/min) :

Alternative Travel Speed (m/min) :

Durafast Door Open Time :

Alternative Door Opening Time :
Industry standard opening time, including Safetech DuraDoor, is ~11sec

Time Saving Per Trip

Time Savings Calculator
Safetech +
1. Approach Lift, press button
2. Door open
3. Enter the lift & position your car 10 10
4. Door close
5. Average travel time
6. Door open
7. Exit the lift 5 5
8. Door close
Dwell Time
(The time doors wait to ensure clear openings)
5 5

Total Travel Time

Freight Hoists & Lifts

Door Solutions

Gorbel Cranes Jibs & Ergonomic Lifting